Bouncing Babies is one of the first games I remember playing on an IBM PC Compatible. I recall looking at this funny game and thinking that it really was a strange concept. It was released as Shareware by Dave Baskin, but I believe that it is now Freeware.

Here you can see the CGA graphics as the game is played. You control the two men carrying a stretcher and have to bounce the babies into the ambulance as they fall from the burning building. You gain points for each baby you rescue and have lives in the form of the number of babies that you lose. As the level increases you find that multiple babies are jumping at the same time, so you have to be very quick moving the stretcher back and forth to not drop any.
It is an unusual game and can be strangely addictive when you are in the mood for it. The only real problem with playing it today, on more modern hardware, is that it can be much too quick and needs a utility to slow the machine down. Alternatively if using an emulator then you should be able to slow it down via the emulator's controls. In the case of DOSBox use CTRL+F11 to reduce the speed.
How can I play this great game today?
The game can be downloaded from the Dos Games Archive site here. If you don't have a suitable machine to play it on then you could use the DOSBox emulator. For more information see my article: Using DOSBox to Run DOS Games and Applications.